Emay Smart Akustik 5H DVT

Contain Your Session Power: Emay Smart 5H DVT
With our custom-made roof panels, we provide perfect acoustic balance to structures by offering sound isolation and absorption to your roofs.

General Features
· It has a 5-rib, high-rib structure.
· Rockwool filling has high sound absorption properties.
· It offers thermal insulation and superior product options
thanks to its rockwool filling materials.
· Perforation produced on surfaces of at least 0.60 mm
increases the aqueous flow of the lower surface and
increases sound absorption.
· Provides long-lasting use thanks to its design.
· It can be produced in insulation thicknesses of
40-50-60-80-100-120-150 mm.
· From 2500 mm to 12.500 mm, it can be produced in the lengths you want.